HOME - a spectaular celebration of dance, costume, music and more.

May - August 2024

TeesDance are thrilled to announce the launch of HOME –a spectacular large scale, promenade performance taking place at this year’s Middlesbrough Mela. 

The colourful spectacle featuring people of all ages and abilities will incorporate dance, music, costume and site décor all based around the concept of HOME. 

Commissioned by Borderlands Creative People and Places and funded by Arts Council England, the project will feature professional dancers alongside a community cast made up of people from across Middlesbrough.  

Many will have been attending dance sessions in venues across the town; others will have participated in creating site dressing including hundreds of beautifully crocheted flowers; some will be dressed in costumes based around Middlesbrough’s iconic buildings and others will have contributed their voices to the specially commissioned soundtrack. 

A new voice championing dance across Tees Valley

TeesDance is a leading sector support organisation for the Tees Valley, providing a world where everyone has access to high-quality, vibrant, diverse dance experiences – no matter who you are or where you live.

We increase equality of opportunity across our diverse communities by removing barriers to access dance. With the power to enhance the qualities of life and achieve social change, dance brings communities together, providing cultural and traditional appreciation. Dance offers a wide range of physical, psychological, social, and emotional benefits.

“Everyone deserves equal access to high-quality dance experiences that are compelling, coherent, and progressive, helping people to live happier and healthier.”

—Amy Swalwell, Executive Producer

Everyone can dance, but not everyone gets the chance

We are building and strengthening the dance workforce so artists can flourish and everyone; children, young people, adults, and seniors, can experience dance in all its diverse forms and settings, with deep and lasting effects. We are developing a bold dance sector where creative talent is met with opportunities that we provide.
